#13 AWS Weekly Update (21 Sep 20)

Vimal Paliwal
2 min readSep 21, 2020
Photo by Chris Liverani on Unsplash

This week’s picks are:

  • Lambda & IAM Authorizers now available for HTTP API
  • Prometheus metrics can now be sent to CloudWatch
  • Increased table limit for Redshift

To learn more about all the latest updates from AWS visit: https://aws.amazon.com/new/

Lambda & IAM Authorizers now available for HTTP API

AWS HTTP API Gateway is a simple, cost-effective and fully-managed proxy for your serverless application. Unlike REST API, it does not support advanced features like Request validation, Request/Response transformation, interacting with other AWS services, caching and many more.

Prior to the update, you only had an option of authenticating and authorising requests using OIDC provider but now you can write your custom Lambda function which takes care of AuthN and AuthZ for you before the request hits your Lambda function. This way you can take off some load away from your business functions.

Article: API Gateway HTTP APIs now supports Lambda and IAM authorization options

Prometheus metrics can now be sent to CloudWatch

Prometheus is an open-source event monitoring and alerting application which is a CNCF graduated project. It is one of the widely used container monitoring application.

You can now send Prometheus metrics collected from ECS, EKS or Kubernetes running on EC2 to CloudWatch for centralised monitoring. By doing this your operations team will be able to monitor all infrastructure, application and container logs at single place.

Article: Amazon CloudWatch now monitors Prometheus metrics from Container environments, Container Insights Prometheus Metrics Monitoring

Increased table limit for Redshift

Amazon Redshift is a fully managed data warehouse tool which stores data in a columnar format to speed up the database operations.

Until now Redshift supported 20K tables on DC2.8XL, DS2.8XL, RA3.4XL, and RA3.16XL instance types which is now increased up to 100K tables. Customers now need not create multiple clusters to manage bigger workload.

Article: Amazon Redshift now supports 100K tables in a single cluster

That’s all for now. Stay tuned to learn more about new releases/updates by AWS. ✌️

