#12 AWS Weekly Update (14 Sep 20)

Vimal Paliwal
2 min readSep 14, 2020
Photo by Denny Müller on Unsplash

This week’s picks are:

  • SNS supports message payload of up to 2GB
  • Launch of a new EBS SSD volume type: io2
  • EKS pods can now utilise EC2 security groups

To learn more about all the latest updates from AWS visit: https://aws.amazon.com/new/

SNS supports message payload of up to 2GB

Simple Notification Service (SNS) is a fully managed pub-sub based notification service which can be used for exchanging information between machines or for app-to-person (A2P) communication.

Previous to this announcement, you were limited to message payload of 256KB in size but now you can use the Extended Client Library for Java which will enable you to increase payload size up to 2GB.

Article: Amazon SNS launches client library supporting message payloads of up to 2 GB

Launch of a new EBS SSD volume type: io2

Elastic Block Store (EBS) is a block storage device attached to EC2 instances for high throughput or IO workloads. You can attach multiple volumes to a single instance to increase the storage, redundancy and performance. EBS supports both SSD and traditional hard drive so you are free to choose for optimal price and performance balance.

EBS io2 volumes provide 500 IOPS per GB, unlike io1 which provide 300 IOPS per GB of provisioned volume. Moreover, the increased durability of io2 to 99.999% along with increased IOPS give customers 100x increased durability and 10x increase in IOPS.

Article: AWS announces General Availability of new Provisioned IOPS Volume (io2) for Amazon EBS

EKS pods can now utilise EC2 security groups

Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) is a fully managed Kubernetes service which lets you run containers at scale without worrying about managing Control Plane or Worker Nodes.

Prior to this release, all pods on a node used to share the same security group. With this release, you can now assign security groups at pod level to control the inbound and outbound traffic.

Note: As of writing this article, this feature is only available for EKS 1.17 clusters and most of the Nitro based EC2 instances.

Article: Amazon EKS now supports assigning EC2 security groups to Kubernetes pods, Security groups for pods

That’s all for now. Stay tuned to learn more about new releases/updates by AWS. ✌️

